Podcast Episode - Difficult Conversations

Making Difficult Conversations Less Difficult with Danielle Becwar

By: Maureen Leif


Having a difficult conversation can be dreadful and often times we put them off and let things fester. Danielle has some great insight on this podcast on why we dread it so much and therefore how we can make it goes as smooth as possible. It’s important to come at conversations with curiosity and making sure we are asking questions to gather information rather than relying on our assumptions.

 We are also in a hyper-sensitive environment which may be requiring even more of these conversations to take place but also making the impact at times even more intense or at the very least more stressful. And no matter what, people are unpredictable and we can’t always be prepared what their reaction is going to be. Something that started out neutral in our minds can become difficult without notice.

In this episode we get some great tips, advice and hear some direct experience from Danielle Becwar.

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Danielle is currently a Senior Recruitment Specialist at the Colorado Judicial Branch and in her work as a recruiter has had to tell people that they didn’t get the job and that is never easy. Danielle is an engaging trainer and has worked with GPS to teach Difficult Conversations to human services agencies around the country. We’re excited to bring you this podcast in hopes that you might learn a little about how to prepare and have those conversations that might be feared in your work and personal lives.  During the whole podcast Danielle is actually holding her new baby Liam in a baby bjorn while her 6 year old daughter is in the background and you’d never know it, she’s just that good! There are a lot of really great and immediate take aways from this podcast so I hope you’ll listen!

You can find the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Breaker, Anchor and more.

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